Positive Affirmations: Here’s Why Everything You Say Matters

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Positive Affirmations

  • I have the wisdom, courage, and creativity to make my dreams a reality.
  • I have the ability to use my skills to attract more wealth.
  • I accept luxury into my life and enjoy its privileges.
  • I am open to the positive influences of abundance, prosperity and wealth.
  • I attract prosperity and beauty with each thought. 

The Power of intention

Have you ever spoken unkindly to someone? Did the words profoundly affect that person?

Have you ever gave someone a compliment and watched as their face lit up with joy?

Words are powerful; and when they are used to hurt someone, they can be devastating. The words you speak and the things you say do have a huge affect not only on yourself, but others as well. Yes, what you say really does matter.

Have you ever called yourself stupid or dumb? Have you berated yourself in front of the mirror because you feel fat?

Have you tried to remind yourself how smart you are? Have you tried to praise yourself for the beautiful aspects of yourself in the mirror, yet?

Do you realize every word you say is being processed by your subconscious and, in some cases, imbeds itself there? Thus, it begins to seep into your conscious self and the feelings of self-worth begin to dissipate.

What you say ultimately translates into eventual belief. If you utter to yourself, “I’m not very good at making decisions,” you will never succeed in making decisions that serve you best. You are setting up a defeatist attitude even before you begin. When you begin a thought or a sentence with a negative word, your expectations can never be realized.

Sometimes, many of us may call other people out their names. While you may apologize, the word has already been spoken; you can’t take it back. The person on the receiving end of the insult may take it to heart, and can be changed forever. We live in a world where words are used to attack, cajole, embrace, nurture, disengage, provoke and inspire. We not only hurt ourselves, we hurt others as well. Anger, frustration, and disappointment contribute to the misuse of words. Even though the aftermath of unkind words are realized, we still do it. Perhaps the old adage is true, ìIf you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.î

It is important to realize the affect words have on us. Whether we mean to say them or not, said often enough they can transform the very essence of who we are. Children are especially vulnerable to words. Yet, we continue to use unkind and often insensitive words as a disciplinary measure. Eventually, they grow up with low self-esteem, or painfully shy, or feel they are worth anything at all.

The next time you speak, think about the words you are about to impart. Choose them wisely when speaking to your peers, and cautiously when speaking to children. Understand that one word can positively or negatively affect someone’s life; even your own.

Published by Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique

Reverend Dr. Dortheá Enriqúe (Goddess Dorthea Music) is the Founder and Executive Director of Modern Soulful Living, an arts and culture nonprofit organization that uses art, music, and literature to focus on mind, body, for spiritual wellness and personal development to live a joyous and prosperous life. She is an accomplished spiritual counselor, holistic therapist, journalist, published author, poet and soul-healing musician.

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