The Choice is Yours. Evolve or Repeat…

Life is About Choices and the Decisions We Make
Life is like a road. There are long and short roads; smooth and rocky roads; crooked and straight paths. In our life many roads would come our way as we journey through life. There are roads that lead to a life of single blessedness, marriage, and religious vocation. 

There are also roads that lead to fame and fortune on one hand, or isolation and poverty on the other. There are roads to happiness as there are roads to sadness, roads towards victory and jubilation, and roads leading to defeat and disappointment. 

Just like any road, there are corners, detours, and crossroads in life. Perhaps the most perplexing road that you would encounter is a crossroad. 

With four roads to choose from and with limited knowledge on where they would go, which road will you take? What is the guarantee that we would choose the right one along the way? Would you take any road, or just stay where you are: in front of a crossroad? 

There are no guarantees.

You do not really know where a road will lead you until you take it. There are no guarantees. This is one of the most important things you need to realize about life. Nobody said that choosing to do the right thing all the time would always lead you to happiness. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it would be returned. Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness. Accepting a good word from an influential superior to cut your trip short up the career ladder is not always bad, especially if you are highly qualified and competent. There are too many possible outcomes, which your really cannot control. The only thing you have power over is the decisions that you will make, and how you would act and react to different situations. 

Wrong decisions are always at hindsight.

Had you known that you were making a wrong decision, would you have gone along with it? Perhaps not, why would you choose a certain path when you know it would get you lost? Why make a certain decision if you knew from the very beginning that it is not the right one. It is only after you have made a decision and reflected on it that you realize its soundness.

If the consequences or outcomes are good for you, then you have decided correctly. Otherwise, your decision was wrong. 

Take the risk: decide.

Since life offers no guarantee and you would never know that your decision would be wrong until you have made it, then you might as well take the risk and decide. It is definitely better than keeping yourself in limbo. Although it is true that one wrong turn could get you lost, it could also be that such a turn could be an opportunity for an adventure, moreover open more roads. It is all a matter of perspective. You have the choice between being a lost traveller or an accidental tourist of life.  But take caution that you do not make decisions haphazardly. Taking risks is not about being careless and stupid. Here are some pointers that could help you choose the best option in the face of life’s crossroads:

·	Get as many information as you can about your situation.

You cannot find the confidence to decide when you know so little about what you are faced with. Just like any news reporter, ask the 5 W’s: what, who, when, where, and why. What is the situation? Who are the people involved? When did this happen? Where is this leading? Why are you in this situation? These are just some of the possible questions to ask to know more about your situation. This is important. Oftentimes, the reason for indecision is the lack of information about a situation. 

·	Identify and create options.
What options do the situation give you? Sometimes the options are few, but sometimes they are numerous. But what do you do when you think that the situation offers no options? This is the time that you create your own. Make your creative mind work. From the most simplistic to the most complicated, entertain all ideas. Do not shoot anything down when an idea comes to your head. Sometimes the most outrageous idea could prove to be the right one in the end. You can ask a friend to help you identify options and even make more options if you encounter some difficulty, but make sure that you make the decision yourself in the end.

·	Weigh the pros and cons of every option.

Assess each option by looking at the advantages and disadvantages it offers you. In this way, you get more insights about the consequences of such an option.

·	Trust yourself and make that decision.

Now that you have assessed your options, it is now time to trust yourself. Remember that there are no guarantees and wrong decisions are always at hindsight.  So choose… decide… believe that you are choosing the best option at this point in time.

Now that you have made a decision, be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. It may take you to a place of promise or to a land of problems. But the important thing is that you have chosen to live your life instead of remaining a bystander or a passive audience to your own life. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But do not regret it whatever the outcome. Instead, learn from it and remember that you always have the chance to make better decisions in the future.

Finding Your Inner Peace

Inner Peace is something every human being strives to achieve as we weave our paths through life. The good news is it is far simpler to attain than many of our outer (material or physical) goals. The bad news is that simple isn’t always easy!

Attaining inner peace is not easy because it means replacing old habits with new, and that requires dedicated commitment.

It isn’t easy but every seed planted will bring forth a harvest and effort will be rewarded.

Inner peace gives you the ability to live your life with a sense of happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment which is not disturbed or influenced by outside events. How do you acquire it? By living your life your own way, not how others think you should. By not worrying about what others think of you – we all judge others (both positively and negatively) according to our own values, but if we try to live our lives in a way which honours somebody else’s values rather than our own, we’ll always have a little gnawing discomfort going on deep inside.

To experience inner peace, we also need to be able to forgive and to let go of guilt. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Feeling guilty about past actions won’t change them and won’t make anybody feel any better (either you or the person whom you’ve hurt). Do what you can to put things right, resolve to do better in the future and move on.

Likewise, letting go of anger or grudges will bring about a surprising sense of peace. Think about it – how does holding onto these negative emotions help you? And do you think they hurt those against whom you hold them more than they hurt you? Not at all. They are your emotions and you are the only person whom they can harm.

Of course, it can be very difficult to forgive someone who’s hurt you, but what I’ve come to realize is that most people don’t maliciously set out to hurt others, and those who do are deeply unhappy themselves. The motivation behind their action was most probably some kind of fear rather than deliberately wanting to cause hurt or pain. And thought of in that context, it’s easier to let it go.

And with a little bit of practice at forgiveness, you may even find yourself getting less annoyed or angry with people in future. When you can shrug things off and not take things personally (it’s really about them, and not you at all), you’ll have a greater sense of inner peace. Our happiness is determined by how we think about the events in our lives, rather than by the events themselves. Take charge of your thoughts and you take charge of your emotions.

To achieve inner peace, you also need to let go of worry. Hmm, another tricky one! Worry is similar to guilt. Worrying about what might or might not happen is completely unproductive, and totally destroys your ability to enjoy the present moment. A great shame that, as the present moment is all we really have.

So, how do we learn to let go of worries, guilt and anger? Well, the first thing is to become consciously aware of what we’re thinking whenever we feel worried, guilty or angry. Notice what’s going on in your inner dialogue, and acknowledge that it’s your thoughts about the external event that’s causing you to feel the way you do, and not the event itself. Then reframe your thoughts to reflect what’s going on around you in a more positive light. Whenever you catch yourself thinking the old thought, banish it immediately and replace it with the new one.

“No-one can create negativity or stress within you. Only you can do that by virtue of how you process your world.” — Dr Wayne Dyer

This will take a lot of practice but with patience and persistence you will develop a lighter inner dialogue that promotes a feeling of well being and inner peace, and the world will feel like a far better place to live in!

Positive Affirmations: Here’s Why Everything You Say Matters

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Positive Affirmations

  • I have the wisdom, courage, and creativity to make my dreams a reality.
  • I have the ability to use my skills to attract more wealth.
  • I accept luxury into my life and enjoy its privileges.
  • I am open to the positive influences of abundance, prosperity and wealth.
  • I attract prosperity and beauty with each thought. 

The Power of intention

Have you ever spoken unkindly to someone? Did the words profoundly affect that person?

Have you ever gave someone a compliment and watched as their face lit up with joy?

Words are powerful; and when they are used to hurt someone, they can be devastating. The words you speak and the things you say do have a huge affect not only on yourself, but others as well. Yes, what you say really does matter.

Have you ever called yourself stupid or dumb? Have you berated yourself in front of the mirror because you feel fat?

Have you tried to remind yourself how smart you are? Have you tried to praise yourself for the beautiful aspects of yourself in the mirror, yet?

Do you realize every word you say is being processed by your subconscious and, in some cases, imbeds itself there? Thus, it begins to seep into your conscious self and the feelings of self-worth begin to dissipate.

What you say ultimately translates into eventual belief. If you utter to yourself, “I’m not very good at making decisions,” you will never succeed in making decisions that serve you best. You are setting up a defeatist attitude even before you begin. When you begin a thought or a sentence with a negative word, your expectations can never be realized.

Sometimes, many of us may call other people out their names. While you may apologize, the word has already been spoken; you can’t take it back. The person on the receiving end of the insult may take it to heart, and can be changed forever. We live in a world where words are used to attack, cajole, embrace, nurture, disengage, provoke and inspire. We not only hurt ourselves, we hurt others as well. Anger, frustration, and disappointment contribute to the misuse of words. Even though the aftermath of unkind words are realized, we still do it. Perhaps the old adage is true, ìIf you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.î

It is important to realize the affect words have on us. Whether we mean to say them or not, said often enough they can transform the very essence of who we are. Children are especially vulnerable to words. Yet, we continue to use unkind and often insensitive words as a disciplinary measure. Eventually, they grow up with low self-esteem, or painfully shy, or feel they are worth anything at all.

The next time you speak, think about the words you are about to impart. Choose them wisely when speaking to your peers, and cautiously when speaking to children. Understand that one word can positively or negatively affect someone’s life; even your own.

Law of Attraction – 3 Manifestations to Master Your Money Reality

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Money Manifestation Mediations

  • I am happy to receive all the things the universe has in store for me. 
  • I am open to getting an abundance of love, health, money, and whatever else I desire.
  • The universe sends me everything I need.
  • My mind vibrates on a level that attracts abundance.
  • I send out clear intentions of the abundance I desire to the universe. It understands what I want and moves accordingly.

Manifest Your Money Reality

The law of attraction, like all other laws, have guidelines that need to be applied for maximum success. While affirmations work for many things they don’t often work very well for manifesting money and that is because of the deeply entrenched belief that most people have about money. It could take lifetimes for those beliefs to change and while that belief is unchanged the money problems continue.

Have you ever noticed that the things you seem to have the most difficulty with are those things which have power over you? Money happens to be one thing in physical realty that has power over most people. If you understood the nature of realty and how it works money would cease to be a problem. It does not have to be this way when you known the post powerful cosmic tools that govern reality.

You can easily switch the dynamic and begin to master money with these three proven steps.

You become the Master and money Becomes the Servant.

Switch your perspective and your world will change. Money is an entity which is here to serve you. You are the divine one, here to experience life in this physical boy. You should never be a slave to money rather should become master above money while money serves you.

It’s a tiny shift in perspective but a powerful one.

Experience is More Important Than Money

Most everyone is trying to use the law of attraction to manifest more money but most people are going about it the wrong way. They are chasing money as opposed to having money come to them. If you limit the things you think you need and begin to focus more on experience than having “things,” you can free up your ability to become a magnet.

The more experiences you have the more expanded you become. Money flows to one who is in an expanded state. The more experiences you have the richer you feel and the richer you act. You value life and the uniqueness of experience much more than you value things. In that state you are not wanting money but money will come and come abundantly. The law of attraction honours that state of being and rewards you for it. As you increase your life experiences you will begin to increase your vibration.

Higher Vibration Makes You a Powerful Money Magnet

As you expand in vibration you increase your ability to draw things to you easily. Higher vibration means more power. There are many advanced manifesting techniques that can dramatically shift your law of attraction practices to the next level. They are phenomenal when used with a clear intention. Shifting your vibration can be quite hard for the average person. When you are bombarded by the daily frustrations of the day, you may doubt that the law of attraction is even working in your favour.

Advance cosmic law of attraction techniques balance you out. They remove mental physical and emotional blocks that are unseen to your present self. They intensify your desires and draw them much easier to you. You will become an easy magnet for money without the struggle. What you want wants you. While others wait weeks and months for what they want the cosmic forces help you in manifesting faster. It’s purely magical!

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